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Salamone, Salvatore

PhD Student

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Tel: +(33)(0)388414101
Fax: +(33)(0)388414099
email: salvatore.salamone[at]etu.unistra.fr

Research activities

Salvatore Salamone is performing his PhD under the supervision of Thierry Charitat
at the Institut of Charles Sadron (ICS) in Strasbourg, France. His work is about
the packing problem of fibers with complex shape and the relationship between
individual fibers and the bundle’s physical properties. He studied at the University
of Strasbourg, where he obtained his BSc of Physics and Chemistry, then continued to
his teaching’s MSc of Ph/Ch and achieved the "Agrégation de Physique", later pursued
to his research’s MSc of Physics. His MSc’s intership within the group of Carlos
Marques was about the packing of fibers and was funded by the ICS and Labex NIE.

Salvatore Salamone is now Professor in Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles (Lycée Couffignal, Strasbourg)
