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Physics of Membranes and Soft Matter - Mcube Team

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“Mcube” is a research Team at Institut Charles Sadron (CNRS - UPR22) working on:

Its members share a common interest in complex interfaces in general and self-assembled phospholipid systems in particular. They study the behaviour of these systems from the physical, experimental and theoretical points of view and dispose of a common experimental expertise, encompassing notably micromanipulation techniques and the measurement of microforces.
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One of the originalities of our research is that it associates a strong experimental component with important efforts in the field of modelling. We develop and use a large number of experimental techniques specifically adapted for our systems, some of these methods being unique. We probe the structure and dynamics of interfaces on a level ranging from the nanometre to the millimetre scale, combining techniques of light or X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy. Finally, we analyze the response of these systems to applied forces, using methods allowing the measurement of forces in confined situations and micromanipulation.

Mcube came into being in January 2005. Originally, the Mcube name was referring to “Mcube: Membranes and Microforces” (M3). In 2019, the Team name changed into "Physics of Membranes and Soft Matter", keeping the three "M" in french "physique des Membranes et Matière Molle" (M3).
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Mcube Team
Institut Charles Sadron - CNRS - UPR22
23 rue du Loess, BP 84047
F - 67034 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Tel.: +33(0)3884 14000
Fax: +33(0)3884 14099

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