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Charitat, Thierry

Unistra Professor


Thierry Charitat on ResearchGate

Tel: +(33)(0)388414005
Fax: +(33)(0)388414099
email: thierry.charitat[at]ics-cnrs.unistra.fr

Research activities

My research focuses on the study of the physical properties of soft objects: polymers, membranes ... I am interested in the physics of polymers at interfaces, both experimentally (stick-slip instability of polymer melts dynamic polyelectrolyte multilayers) and theoreticaly (mechanism of energy dissipation in friction polymer). In recent years, the central part of my work involves the study of the physical properties of lipid membranes: structure, fluctuations, destabilization and internal dynamics. In particular, as part of a collaboration with J. Daillant recent years have led to a major experimental and theoretical development to enable the study of single model membrane by diffusion of radiation. This allowed us to access for the first time the fluctuation spectrum of a single membrane in the submicron range. Finally, always in the spirit of understanding at the microscopic level the macroscopic properties of dense matter, I am recently interested in the elastic properties of a fiber system.


Recent publications

  • A new tribological experimental setup to study confined and sheared monolayers
    L Fu, D Favier, T Charitat, C Gauthier, A Rubin
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 2016, 87 (3), 033903

See also

Teaching responsabilities

Teaching activities

Soft Condensed Matter M2 Spécialité Condensed Matter and Nanophysics

Statistical mechanics M1 (with G. Weick see TD here).

 Entropy, Grand-canonical ensemble;

 Quantum gas;

 Classical liquid: Correlation, Virial development, Debye-Hückel theory;

 Phase transition and mean-field theory: liquid-gas, Ising...

 Landau theory of phase transition;

Electromagnetism (L2)

Agrégation de Physique-Option Physique